The Genocide Of White Christians In Germany Continues, Planned By Pure Evil In The Late 1800s

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There’s an explanation for both the migrant invasion and now attacking even the idea of all-white German families.

Jews admit to destroying white race.


Parenting Magazine Warns ‘Blond, Cheerful’ Families Dangerous, Likely Right Wing

By Marcus Cicero

This rarely happens, but after reading this piece, I honestly feel sick to my stomach in addition to shaking rage.

Apparently German language publications, which we don’t always notice here in the Anglosphere, have now begun to openly denounce the very concept of all-White families as some sort of danger to the Multicultural-Marxist State, going so far as to claim that proper diverse parents should always be on the lookout for “blond and cheerful families” due to their propensity for right-wing politics and sense of racial identity.

And this filth is actually contained inside a magazine appealing to current and prospective mothers and fathers (mostly mothers), with the ramifications of such an idea likely to include a higher degree of future race-mixing, Feminist abuse of little White children, and a further dearth of human babies in a nation with one of the lowest birth rates in the entire world.

From Breitbart London:

Parenting magazine Baby & Family has told readers to beware of families who are “inconspicuous” and “cheerful”, as these warning signs indicate they are right wing and thus “dangerous”.

Depicted with illustrations featuring solely blonde women and children, the report says ordinary parents must take action against right-wing families and make clear that their ideology has no place in the world.

Asserting that the term “right wing” “stirs up anxiety” and brings to mind “burning refugee homes”, skinheads, and the National Socialist Underground (NSU) group who carried out a string of violent attacks on foreign people, Baby & Family notes that people “rarely connect it with women, family and children”.

This, the high-circulation German magazine declares, “is precisely the great risk” as such people are just as dangerous if not more so as gangs of Nazi skinheads. The identifying features of right-wing families, it contends, are that they are “inconspicuous, blond, cute and engaged”.

“First of all, [right-wing families] are nice and dedicated” Michaela Köttig, sociologist and researcher of right-wing extremism at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, alleges.

Researcher of right-wing politics, Eva Prausner, says a huge danger of right-wing families is that they seem normal.


Now, I honestly wonder what a DNA ancestry test of this hideous wench would reveal? Methinks the odds of foreign blood, especially Jew, appearing is extremely high.

Because of this, she says many parents will already have established good relations with them to the point that they “are no longer marginalised and at worst, get support”.

While there are different types of right-wing families, Baby & Family asserts that daycare centres should always seek help when dealing with them.

“The right has many forms. The definition of what is extreme and what is not is difficult”, it says, but asserts that all manifestations must be dealt with because right wingers could spread their views when meeting with other parents in the playground.

Heike Radvan of the controversial Amadeu Antonio Foundation warns that “children of right-wing parents are not necessarily different from other children”, but says they are often “very obedient” and might not talk much.

Köttig explains that right-wing families are not unlike ordinary families in that they teach their own values. The important difference with extreme right-wing groups, however, is that these values are “strongly geared at Germanic customs and traditions”.

Prausner says “right-wing kids” are aware that they should keep their family lives private, but she adds that a telltale sign of right-wing extremism is that there are usually no American logos on their parents’ clothing.


Wait, what? So to obey one’s parents, adhering to ancient cultural traditions, refraining from wearing trashy American clothing, and avoiding the behavior of a rampaging Google child inside Walmart qualifies as Nazi? These critters have become a pure caricature of themselves. It’s only too bad that such “scholars” and organizations are subsidized by Mama Merkel’s regime.

Oh, and here is an image of their founder and leader. Before you scroll down, just know that she’s been addressed before, and is, of course, Jewish.


Brothers, it must be admitted that Germany and its people are facing a fate that looks more and more like total and final genocide through the impact of a thousand little cuts. After generations of indoctrination, mockery, demoralization, and draconian penalties for dissent, the men and women of the former Reich no longer resemble their ancestors. Their will to fight seems spent, and their innate strength cannot forever hold against such evil Hebraic tactics.

The next few years will demonstrate whether the German Volk can summon up one last reserve of courage and anger, or whether they will go quietly into that dark Sharia night.

And we can only hope that this sort of vile propaganda fails to accomplish what its creators intended during its creation and publication.

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